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A Level playing field?

A Level playing field?

Kay Wood, November 12, 2014,

The Koch brothers pay their various political actors to screech loudly for a level playing field for sustainable energy and oil. Funny thing – I don’t think they actually want that.

According to a Bloomberg article today titled Fossil Fuels With $550 Billion Subsidies Hurt Renewables: “Fossil fuels are reaping $550 billion a year in subsidies… Oil, coal and gas received more than four times… paid out in incentives for renewables including wind, solar and biofuels…”

So yeah – level the playing field!


Kay Wood is the author of an environmental graphic novel, The Big Belch.

"Irreverent and hilarious, the Big Belch is a graphic novel you won’t be able to put down. Replete with quirky characters and mad-cap adventures, this book reveals the power of individual citizens against corporate greed and greenwashing. Yes, there’s a critical environmental message, but it’s embedded in humor rather than heaviness. This is the kind of storytelling we need right now: the kind that pulls you in by the funny bone." ~ Marybeth Holleman, author of The Heart of the Sound

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