The Saudi Oil Minister recognizes the need to act on climate change
Saudi Oil Minister recognizes the need to act on climate change. If only our own politicians would be as on the ball. Climate Change is a...

Species Survival? cartoon by Kay Wood
"Species Survival?" Kay Wood ©2014 thebigbelch.com We are changing our environment drastically - releasing tons of CO2, methane, and...

Canuting Renewable Energy - Poem by Michael Silverstein
Canuting Renewable Energy by Michael Silverstein Old King Canute was a silly old coot When his power he planned to be showing With...

The Global Warming Poem by Michael Silverstein
The Global Warming Poem by Michael Silverstein Locked in human-centric thinking The content of our daily plays The Mid East, Ukraine, and...
Maria Duca's Great letter - Taking climate change to the streets
Taking climate change to the streets On Sept. 21, people from all over the country, from all walks of life, will unite in New York City...

Get on it people, global warming is happening, Sqwaak!
Get on it people, global warming is happening, Sqwaak! Fletcher, environmental crime fighting parrot “If humanity wishes to preserve a...

Go EPA. Climate change already affects us in so many ways – and in the near future, climate change will affect where people live, how...