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“Animals Beware - Polar bear arrested on Wall St.” cartoon

Marching to fight climate change cartoon ©Kay Wood 2014 “Global warming is putting people, wildlife and indeed the entire planet on the path toward leaders have an indisputable moral obligation to take action, but nothing they’ve done so far comes close to matching the magnitude of the crisis we face.” — Center for Biological Diversity executive director and co-founder Kieran Suckling

97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate disruption is happening,humans are primarily responsible and it will get worse if we do not act quickly. We have a moral duty to care for and preserve our world for future generations.Climate disruption is destabilizing the ecosystems that we need for food and water. What will we leave for our children and future generations an Earth upon which they can thrive or a devastated planet?


“... Kay Wood has authored a page-turner of a graphic novel called The Big Belch. She makes us laugh, and makes us cringe as she weaves a story about fossil-fuel addiction, big oil, and our love-hate relationship with gas guzzling cars and get-it-right now lifestyles. How will our baby boomer aged hero's and band of misfit characters survive The Big Belch? ...” — 350 Philadelphia

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