Solar And Wind Are Reliable Power Grid Resources Even When Sun Not Shining And Wind Not Blowing
Solar And Wind Are Reliable Power Grid Resources Even When Sun Not Shining And Wind Not Blowing
by Michael Silverstein and Kay Wood
One long used argument against alternative energy resources to help keep electric grids functioning properly is that they aren’t reliable. The sun, this argument goes, doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow, so how can you base your planning around them?
Well, it seems, you can. And that isn’t just environmentalists theorizing. Evidence from Germany, the country moving furthest and fastest to a far more alternative energy-sourced power grid, pretty much proves the case. A just released report from ECO tells the story. Here’s a link you can read about that report:—
Step back from the energy headlines about fracking and tar sands, and you’ll find that something quite wonderful is happening. The world’s real energy revolution involves live energy, not the kind plucked from long dead plant and animal burial grounds. And ain’t that nice!
Michael Silverstein is a long time environmental writer, and former senior editor at Bloomberg. Kay Wood is the author of an environmental graphic novel, The Big Belch.

Get your copy of Kay Wood's The Big Belch graphic novel now! “... Kay Wood has authored a page-turner of a graphic novel called The Big Belch. She makes us laugh, and makes us cringe as she weaves a story about fossil-fuel addiction, big oil, and our love-hate relationship with gas guzzling cars and get-it-right now lifestyles. How will our baby boomer aged hero's and band of misfit characters survive The Big Belch? ...” — 350 Philadelphia